Rapamycin For Cats With Kidney Disease

Like Yours.

Rapamycin for Cats  with Kidney disease

Rapamycin for Cats with Kidney Disease

What We Think We Know.

Rapamycin for cats with Polycystic kidney disease  -- Persian

Rapamycin for Cats with Kidney Disease —                The Background.


How does RAPAMYCIN benefit kidney function in cats and humans?

  • It reduces inflammation in the kidneys
  • It inhibits fibrosis, or scarring, of the kidney nephrons
  • It reduces the formation of cysts in patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease… like Persian cats, for example.
  • It directly inhibits kidney cancer


Rapamycin for Cats with Kidney disease — The Logic.

How does the SCIENCE behind rapamycin apply to the cats that we know and love?  Well…

  • To date there are no other drugs that directly impact the progression of kidney disease in our cats
  • Rapamycin is safe and well tolerated by cats.
  • Kidney disease starts with simple inflammation in the kidneys.   As the inflammation progresses, it results in scar tissue replacing normal kidney tissue… causing progressive loss of kidney function. 

The bottom line?  Rapamycin appears to be a very safe drug with significant benefits to kidney patients in all species studied to date.

As a result, there are currently CLINICAL TRIALS using rapamycin to treat Chronic Kidney Diseas in cats at…

As with pretty much EVERY other disease in humans or in pets, the BEST results are typically achieved with multimodal therapy.  For cats with kidney disease, this usually means…

  • Dietary therapy
  • Reducing  toxin accumulation
  • Treating GI upset
  • Stimulating the bone marrow
  • Controlling hypertension

… and that’s where your veterinarian comes in…

Rapamycin for cats with kidney disease -- partners
Rapamycin for Cats with HCM -- kitten

Rapamycin for Cats with Kidney Disease — The Medication

OK, let’s talk about rapamycin itself.

Here’s what you need to know about using rapamycin for kidney disease in cats.

In the Trivium study on cats with progressive cardiac disease, they found that a dosage of 0.3 mg/kg 1x weekly was most effective.

This study utilized a “Delayed Release” formulation of rapamycin, but no other details were disclosed and the proprietary tablet won’t be available in the US until 2026.

Why Delayed Release?  Because we think that rapamycin is degraded to a variable extent by the acid in our stomachs, so we want our rapamycin to pass THROUGH the stomach before the rapamycin can be exposed to the acidity.

At HelpingPetsLiveLonger.com, we offer two different types of Delayed Release rapamycin:

1) COATED TABLETS that are specifically formulated to resist acid degradation, and so cannot be split or crushed.  We stock these tablets in the following strengths, and can ship within 24 hours:

  • 0.5 mg for 3.5 lb cats
  • 1.0 mg for 7 lb cats
  • 2.0 mg for 14 lb cats

2) An OIL BASED ORAL SUSPENSION that can be flavored to your cat’s own preferences, from bacon to beef, chicken to fish.  Because this oral suspension is custom made for your cat, it will take about 14 days to get to you.

Purchase Rapamycin For Your Cat Now.

Help Your Cat Live Their Longest and Best Life.

Rapamycin For Cats -- Cat Attack!!

About Me

Hey, there.  Dr. Kevin here.  I am a veterinarian who has been in clinical practice treating cats like yours for over 30 years.  I live on the Central Coast of California, and have a passion for helping pets live longer.  I am particularly interested in longevity drugs like rapamycin, dental care, and cancer therapy.

Email me today.

“Rapamycin is the only drug consistently shown to increase mammalian longevity…”

Z.D. Sharp, ScienceDirect.com, 2023

How To Get Rapamycin for Your Cat


Rapamycin is a Prescription Drug

So your vet can write you a prescription.


Or, You Can Book a Concierge Consult with Me.



Then You Purchase the Rapamycin here.


And it shows up in your mail 5-7 days later.  How easy is that?

My Practice

Kevin Toman, DVM



625 Pacific Ave

Cayucos CA 93430